About us
We're passionate about publishing

We’re both long-time members of the Professional Editors’ Guild (PEG) – Ken a Full Member and John both an Accredited Member and a Life Member, having also been its national chair (2008–2010) and sing on its Executive Committee. A Director of the English Language Lexicography Unit, PanSALB, John serves on the board of the Dictionary of South African English. He continues to give back to the profession by presenting to colleagues on matters editorial and linguistic, whether in workshops or at conferences.
We’re also both members of the Society of English-Language Professionals in the Netherlands (SENSE) and of Mediterranean Editors and Translators, based in Barcelona, Spain. A fervent advocate of intersociety liaison and exchanges, John is also a member of the Nordic Editors and Translators (NEaT) in Finland.
A published author, John is the compiler of Engleish, our Engleish (Cape Town: Pharos 2013) and a co-author of Text Editing (Brussels: UPA, 2012) and Oxford English Grammar: The Advanced Guide (OUP, 2015). Ken and John’s latest self-publication is Grammar, punctuation and all that jazz … (MLA Publishers, 2019).
We make it our business to keep our fingers on the pulse of linguistic and writing trends, and also on book, magazine and journal publishing both in South Africa and internationally.
Our Clients
Allergy Society of South Africa (ALLSA)
Centre for Armed Violence Reduction
Sydney, Australia
Department of Education, Eritrea
Institute of Translation and Interpreting, UK
Juta & Co (Academic, Health, Law)
Macmillan Education
Media 24 (Jonathan Ball Publishers,
NB Publishers, Nasou Via Afrika, Van Schaik)
Ministry of Justice, Tanzania
National Parliament of South Africa
Oxford University Press
Pearson Education SA
Penguin Random House
South African Book Development Council (SABDC)
Struik Publishers
University of Antwerp (Linguistica Antwerpiensis NS)
University of Cape Town
University of Namibia (UNAM) Press
University of Pretoria, Faculty of Education
University of South Africa Language Services
University of South Africa (Unisa) Press